Payment API Gateway (v5.7.2)

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Payment Gateway API Reference

This API is part of the our ecosystem. It allows you to make payments, find out the status of transactions and much more. Here you will find the latest documentation on setting up your solution.

Available Payment Providers

Provider ID Provider Name Country Notes
14 Simulator ANY For testing purposes
40 Safaricom KE 254000000000 - This is the format of the phone number sent in the request

During tests runs, using 14 provider ID (simulator) the callback is not returned and the transaction remains in the "in progress" status and if successful you will see in the response

  "order_id": "54321",
  "transaction_id": "12345",
  "transaction_ref": "",
  "status": 1,
  "result": {
      "code": 0,
      "message": "OK"
  "provider_result": {
      "code": -8888,
      "message": "Good"
  "service_id": 1,
  "service_version": "1.03/1.14|1.0/1.26|1.0/1.0|1.01/1.01|1.01/1.01||1.01/1.27",
  "service_date_time": "2023-05-15 10:00:00.000000",
  "confirm_type": 0

Generating signature

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters from the payload are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course, and added to the payload after generating.

Note: to generate a correct signature you need a secretKey received with other credentials.

PHP example

function calculateSignature(array $data, string $secretKey, string $currentParamPrefix = '', int $depth = 16, int $currentRecursionLevel = 0 ): string
    if ($currentRecursionLevel >= $depth) {
        throw new Exception('Recursion level exceeded');

    $stringForSignature = '';
    foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
                $stringForSignature .= calculateSignature(
                $currentRecursionLevel + 1
      } else if ($key !== 'signature') {
                $stringForSignature .= "$currentParamPrefix$key" . $value;

    if ($currentRecursionLevel == 0) {
      return strtolower(hash_hmac('sha512', $stringForSignature, $secretKey));
    } else {
      return $StringForSignature;

$postData = [
  'merchant_id' => 'fffed61be9780b97c5e4c65e4e07bb6b',
  'provider_id' => 10,
  'client_id' => '080000000',
  'country' => 'KE',
  'order_id' => 'order_3444298767545',
  'amount' => 1000,
  'currency' => 'CDF',
  'callback_url' => 'https://my.callback.url'

$secretKey = "cf11635572c1e8d77297207152dc0791ad91f22b32d23c758ce3ba2637202ad8f7290ba41f2243cccf32edde1dfb8bf0f5dea62525309e293b3adb2c76eed6a5";

$signature = calculateSignature($postData, $secretKey);

$postData['signature'] = $signature;

Examples in other languages are available on request

Safaricom Paybill

What is Safaricom Paybill?

The Pay Bill service is a mobile payments service that allows your organization to collect money on a regular basis from your customers through M-PESA.

How does Safaricom Paybill work?

  • Client goes to M-PESA on the client’s phone SIM Menu or uses M-PESA app.
  • Client selects Payment Services.
  • Client chooses PayBill and enters Safaricom PostPay Bill number / ShortCode (XXXXXX).
  • Client enters the mobile number to make payment.
  • Client inputs the amount client wishes to pay.
  • In the app, Client may indicate his account/wallet number to the Account number field.
  • Client keys in client’s M-PESA PIN.
  • Client confirms details are correct and presses OK.
  • Safaricom sends a callback to us about this transaction.
  • We sends a callback to Merchant about this transaction.
  • Transaction information displays on Safaricom Backoffice.
  • Transaction information displays on our Backoffice.

Paybill callback URL

The merchant should provide their callback URL to the our tech team to receive information about such transactions.

Paybill callback format

Name of field Type Description Example
extra object A list of values
billRefNumber integer This field contains the parameter from Account number field in the payment form on Lipa Na M-PESA, which is indicated by the Customer.The Merchant has to inform the Customer to indicate the identification number of their account with the Merchant system. 555555555
firstName string Client’s first name (received from Safaricom) ALEX
amount number Amount to pay 100
result object Operation result
code integer Result code of the operation (0 - success) 0
message string Short description of the result code OK
status integer Status of the performed operation 2
currency string Currency code in ISO 4217 format KES
order_id string For paybills transactions, this unique value is generated by us for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses, and the corresponding operation won’t be repeated. In the backoffice, it may be found in the Merchant Trnx ID field 2023-03-15-15-25-12-255432
signature string Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course
service_id integer Unique ID of the service in the Payment gateway 1
customer_id string Customer’s phone number of 12 symbols. Client's phone should start from the country code: 254ХХХХХХХХХ (part of the number is returned as asterisk) 2547 ***** 000
merchant_id string Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration 555222hhh555fff999rrr444qqq222
provider_id integer Provider ID: 40: Safaricom 40
destination_id integer Transaction destination ID (merchant’s shortcode) 7000000
operation_type integer For paybills - 32 32
transaction_id string Usually generated by Safaricom. Empty for paybills
provider_result object
code integer Result code of the operation from the provider 0
message string Result description from the provider OK
service_version string Payment gateway service version used for the operation
transaction_ref string Transaction number registered in Safaricom (RRN). This field could be empty RBQ0000000
service_date_time string Payment gateway timestamp of the operation 2023-03-03 13:33:33.333333

Paybill callback example

 "merchant_id": "555222hhh555fff999rrr444qqq222",
 "operation_type": 32,
 "customer_id": "2547 ***** 000",
 "amount": 100,
 "currency": "KES",
 "order_id": "2023-03-15-15-25-12-255432",
 "transaction_id": "",
 "transaction_ref": "RBQ0000000",
 "status": 2,
 "provider_id": 40,
 "destination_id": "7000000",
 "result": {
     "code": 0,
     "message": "OK"
 "provider_result": {
     "code": 0,
     "message": ""
 "service_id": 1,
 "service_version": "1.03/1.0|1.0/1.26|1.0/1.0|1.01/1.0|1.01/1.0||1.01/1.27",
 "service_date_time": "2023-03-03 13:33:33.333333",
 "extra": {
     "BillRefNumber": "555555555",
     "FirstName": "ALEX",
     "MiddleName": "",
     "LastName": ""
 "signature": "sdfkdfpogu9550603etgkdopftege34t0i5rggdftoe0tgskguo09w6t"

Paybill Validation

The parameter that is directly involved in the validation is PayBillRefNumber

To be able to pre-verify payments via paybill, the Merchant needs to add another URL in his system to which requests will be sent (the same as on paybill callback. This URL must be reported to us. The Merchant will be able to verify the validity of this request (for example, the existence of the customer's account number in the Merchant's system) and send a response to it. A response with the code=0 means that the validation has been completed and the payment can be credited; any other response means that the transaction should not be completed, and a request to cancel the payment will be sent to Safaricom. In order for the response to be counted as confirmation, it has to contain a JSON with "code":0. Any other data will be ignored.



Status Codes

The parameters below will be obtained by a status query

Code Name Description
-1 undefined Operation status is undefined (for example in an error situation)
0 initiated Operation is initiated
1 in progress Operation is in progress
2 success Operation is successful
3 failed Operation is failed
4 cancelled Operation is cancelled
5 cancelled partially Operation is cancelled partially (this status is related to POS payments)
6 in_transit Operation is in transition (for example for withdrawal operation it means that cash was held but wasn’t received by the customer, this status also is related to POS payments)

Result Codes

The result of the query processing by the system

The parameters below will be obtained by a status query

Code Message Description
0 OK Operation is successful
1 INVALID PIN PIN wasn’t accepted by Provider
2 PIN IS BLANK PIN wasn’t accepted by Provider
3 INVALID PIN LENGTH PIN wasn’t accepted by Provider
10201 MERCHANT AUTHENTICATION ERROR The merchant’s request wasn’t authenticated by the Payment gateway security mechanism. For example, because of an incorrect signature

Operation Types

Depending on the type of request you may see the following code

You can see this parameter in the callback

Code Operation
16 payment_b2c
17 payment_c2b

Available currencies

Code Note
USD Non-betting merchants only
KES Kenya, betting and non-betting merchants

Responses for confirmation requests have the same format as original operation responses.


C2b transaction status is sent via callback because it needs a confirmation by client done asynchronously. Usually the callback should be sent in 2-3 minutes maximum. In case of missing callback there is a way to get the transaction status using API method status. It needs a transaction ID or order ID as an parameter and returns a status of the performed transaction.

Response for callback

Payment gateway considers the Merchant system response as successful if HTTP 200 was received.

POS terminals usage case

In the case of POS terminals usage Merchant tech system receives callbacks after every successful operation performed on POS. The merchant_id parameter contains a unique identifier of the POS on which the operation was performed. The operation_type parameter contains a type of performed operation. So operations are initiated on POS terminals and information about successful ones is sent to the Merchant tech system with callbacks to configured URL.

Online Payments

Cashless payment from the customer to the merchant

path Parameters
Example: f54ec96649be11ebb3780242ac130002

Merchant public ID

Request Body schema: application/json

Parameters to initiate a customer to the merchant payment

string (merchantIdDef)

Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration

string (customerIdDef)

Customer ID (usually mobile phone number of the customer)

string (orderIdDef)

The unique value is generated by the transaction initiator for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses and The corresponding operation won’t be repeated.


Amount to pay, should be in format with two digits after point

string (currencyDef)

Currency code in ISO 4217 format from the list of availabe currencies

string (countryDef)

Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format as defined in the payment providers


URL to notify the merchant via callback. Recommended

integer (providerDef)
Enum: 14 40

Provider ID. Can be one of the option from this list.

string (signatureDef)

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course. Example can be found here



Request samples

Content type
  • "merchant_id": "e0fecd91fcb24f348048193b3fb34875ba3722b4",
  • "customer_id": "0900000001",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "amount": "100.00",
  • "currency": "CDF",
  • "country": "KE",
  • "callback_url": "",
  • "provider_id": 14,
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Response samples

Content type
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "transaction_id": "732007046722",
  • "transaction_ref": "MP.33234.342.CP33",
  • "status": 2,
  • "result": {
  • "provider_result": {
  • "service_id": 1,
  • "service_version": 11.1,
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969"

Callback payload samples

POST: Asynchronous notification of the merchant about the last performed transaction
Content type
  • "transaction_id": "1234567",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "service_id": 12345,
  • "service_version": "5.2.0",
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969",
  • "result": {
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Cashless payment from the merchant to the customer.

Cashless payment from the merchant to the customer. If the confirm_type response parameter is a non-zero merchant, send the second payment_b2c request with confirmation data according to the section Confirmation Types.

path Parameters
Example: f54ec96649be11ebb3780242ac130002

Merchant public ID

Request Body schema: application/json

Parameters to initiate the merchant to the customer payment

string (merchantIdDef)

Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration

string (customerIdDef)

Customer ID (usually mobile phone number of the customer)

string (orderIdDef)

The unique value is generated by the transaction initiator for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses and The corresponding operation won’t be repeated.


Amount to pay, with two digits after point

string (currencyDef)

Currency code in ISO 4217 format from the list of availabe currencies

string (countryDef)

Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format as defined in the payment providers


URL to notify the merchant via callback

integer (providerDef)
Enum: 14 40

Provider ID. Can be one of the option from this list.

string (signatureDef)

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course. Example can be found here


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchant_id": "e0fecd91fcb24f348048193b3fb34875ba3722b4",
  • "customer_id": "0900000001",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "amount": "100.00",
  • "currency": "CDF",
  • "country": "KE",
  • "callback_url": "",
  • "provider_id": 14,
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Response samples

Content type
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "transaction_id": "532007056722",
  • "transaction_ref": "",
  • "status": 2,
  • "result": {
  • "provider_result": {
  • "service_id": 11,
  • "service_version": 11.1,
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969",
  • "confirm_type": 0

Request a status of the transaction performed earlier

path Parameters
Example: f54ec96649be11ebb3780242ac130002

Merchant public ID

Request Body schema: application/json

Get the status of the performed transaction

string (merchantIdDef)

Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration

string (orderIdDef)

The unique value is generated by the transaction initiator for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses and The corresponding operation won’t be repeated.

string (signatureDef)

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course. Example can be found here


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchant_id": "e0fecd91fcb24f348048193b3fb34875ba3722b4",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Response samples

Content type
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "transaction_id": "732007046722",
  • "transaction_ref": "MP.33234.342.CP33",
  • "status": 2,
  • "result": {
  • "provider_result": {
  • "service_id": 1,
  • "service_version": 11.1,
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969"

POS Payments

Deposit via POS

Method should be called from the POS terminal or any other compatible external system for the initiation of the cash top-up operation to the customer account in the merchant system. Merchant gets information about the operation via the message that is sent to a predefined call back URL.

path Parameters
Example: f54ec96649be11ebb3780242ac130002

Merchant public ID

Request Body schema: application/json

Parameters to initiate a customer to the merchant payment

string (merchantIdDef)

Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration

string (customerIdDef)

Customer ID (usually mobile phone number of the customer)

string (orderIdDef)

The unique value is generated by the transaction initiator for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses and The corresponding operation won’t be repeated.


Amount to pay, with two digits after point

string (currencyDef)

Currency code in ISO 4217 format from the list of availabe currencies

string (countryDef)

Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format as defined in the payment providers


Extra parameters specific payment method


Extra parameters specific payment method, only for card providers like

integer (providerIdPosDef)

ID of the payment provider. Can be 15 only


Transaction destination ID

string (signatureDef)

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course. Example can be found here



Request samples

Content type
  • "merchant_id": "e0fecd91fcb24f348048193b3fb34875ba3722b4",
  • "customer_id": "0900000001",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "amount": "100.00",
  • "currency": "CDF",
  • "country": "KE",
  • "extra": { },
  • "card": {
  • "provider_id": 15,
  • "destination_id": "2133456",
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Response samples

Content type
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "transaction_id": "732007046722",
  • "transaction_ref": "MP.33234.342.CP33",
  • "status": 2,
  • "result": {
  • "provider_result": {
  • "service_id": 1,
  • "service_version": 11.1,
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969"

Callback payload samples

POST: Asynchronous notification of the merchant about the last performed transaction
Content type
  • "transaction_id": "1234567",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "service_id": 12345,
  • "service_version": "5.2.0",
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969",
  • "result": {
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Withdrawal from the POS

Method should be called from the POS terminal or any other compatible external valid external system for the initiation of the cash pay-out operation from the customer account in the merchant system. Note, that such operation requires pre-authorization on the merchant system and it can be done in various ways. In some cases, it is just an OTP confirmation sent to a customer’s phone, but in other cases, pre-allocation of money is also required that shall be done by calling the payment_c2b operation from the customer’s space in the merchant system. In such case, the amount that the customer is willing to withdraw is moved to a temporary account that is hard-locked with this particular customer and will stay there until the method withdrawal is called.

If the confirm_type response parameter is a non-zero merchant, send the second withdrawal request with confirmation data according to the section Confirmation Types.

path Parameters
Example: f54ec96649be11ebb3780242ac130002

Merchant public ID

Request Body schema: application/json

Parameters to initiate the merchant to the customer payment

string (merchantIdDef)

Unique Merchant ID received during the merchant registration

string (customerIdDef)

Customer ID (usually mobile phone number of the customer)

string (orderIdDef)

The unique value is generated by the transaction initiator for each Operation. Max length is 128 symbols. Allowed symbols: [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], “_” (underscore character), “-” (hyphen), “:” (colon), “.” (dot). For example, GUID or TIMESTAMP can be used as an order_id. This parameter provides API idempotency. It means that requests with identical nonce from the same transaction initiator will have identical responses and The corresponding operation won’t be repeated.


Amount to pay, with two digits after point

string (currencyDef)

Currency code in ISO 4217 format from the list of availabe currencies

string (countryDef)

Country code in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format as defined in the payment providers


Transaction confirmation code


Extra parameters specific payment method

integer (providerIdPosDef)

ID of the payment provider. Can be 15 only


Transaction destination ID

string (signatureDef)

Merchant’s request and callback have to be signed to verify sent data. To generate the signature all sent parameters are included in the order they were sent. The parameter signature should be excluded, of course. Example can be found here


Request samples

Content type
  • "merchant_id": "e0fecd91fcb24f348048193b3fb34875ba3722b4",
  • "customer_id": "0900000001",
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "amount": "100.00",
  • "currency": "CDF",
  • "country": "KE",
  • "confirmation_code": "654321",
  • "extra": { },
  • "provider_id": 15,
  • "destination_id": 2133456,
  • "signature": "d7d6d76b0e22c6f9d369fa6c24f107053d12bfd24d3b154f2deb6676bf179c123134e1f20879c803be455d81cfe792f00cd8892c26ce7cf5a05beebb9c80843e"

Response samples

Content type
  • "order_id": "16280954971628095497",
  • "transaction_id": "532007056722",
  • "transaction_ref": "",
  • "status": 2,
  • "result": {
  • "provider_result": {
  • "service_id": 11,
  • "service_version": 11.1,
  • "service_date_time": "2020-11-25 10:08:32.832969",
  • "confirm_type": 0